🤔 How do you celebrate the development and progress of your teams?
💯 I wanted to celebrate everyone who has invested in the development of their talent and teams in 2024.
🎯 94% of employees say they would stay longer at a company that invests in their learning and development.
🎯 84% of employees in the best performing organisations receive the training they need (compared with only 16% in the worst performing)
🙏 Thank you to everyone who has trusted me to work with their leaders, teams & organisation in 2024 - I've loved every minute!
💯 Looking forward to positively impacting everyone I work with in 2025.
👏 Nicola Stopps Kate Turner Marion Stewart Kelly Hanna Michelle Cawley Tom Hadcroft Jenny Blogg Chris Lyman Rob Pocock Liam Jackson Imparta First Ascent Group Simone Robinson CertIoD Steve Bentley David Sales Katie Heath Simon Littlewood Bruce Storey Kylie Seaman MCR Pathways Tracy Bownes Steve Rushin Scott Williams Elisa Aitchison Richard Barkey Maggie O'Neill 👏