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Coaching for Sales Leaders


🤔 How do you develop the coaching skills of your sales leaders?

🎯 How focused are you on the coachee’s journey, not on your own skill, knowledge or pride?

🎯 How present and curious are you about the coachee's situation & their goal?

🎯 How much do you really explore the coachee's situation and what might be holding them back?

🎯 How effective are you at facilitating the coachee's awareness of different options going forward and getting their buy-in to take positive action?

💯 It's been a pleasure to work with the sales leadership team from Exclaimer on behalf of Imparta over the past 3 days supporting them develop their "coaching" skills.

🙏 Thank you James LewendonJenna LunnLeon NeefjesTommaso DesiatoBruce Borrie Becky Dunne Kyle Poplawski & Bobby Bosworth for engaging so positively - particularly with the role plays, coaching break-outs and interactive sessions. Look forward to seeing you all again on 1st Nov.

It's always great to get positive feedback like this:

"Thank you Mark. It’s been a fantastic few days. You are the master of what you do."🔥

Sales Enablement Director, Exclaimer

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