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It's OK to say 'NO'

⛔ I just had to say "No".

🌍 Social connections and bonds with other people are one of our most fundamental needs. Humans rely on reciprocity.

So it's not surprising that "saying No" is tough.

🧠 what if I'm seen as being difficult and pushing back?

🧠 what if someone else seizes the opportunity?

🧠 what if they don't ask me again?

But "saying No" allows you to value yourself more.

🎯 you can be authentic and honest.

🎯 you can set boundaries that work for you.

🎯 you can focus on the important stuff & create new opportunities.

AND you massively improve your mental health and performance.

👉 If you struggle to say no or set boundaries that work for you please reach out to your support network. Or if you are ready to consider working with a Leadership coach please get in touch.

🤔 When did you last say NO at work, and why?

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