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Leading Change

🤔 How do you bring your people with you when you run big change projects?

😨 It's one of the most common topics that leadership teams need to manage.

🎯 Ensuring everyone understands why the change is happening.

🎯 Communicating effectively and engaging all your employees.

🎯 Allocating roles fairly and ensuring individuals feel valued.

🎯 Proactively involving your team in creating the plans.

🎯 Creating momentum & recognising early wins.

🎯 Listening to feedback & different perspectives.

🔵 🔴 Emergenetics is a great way to understand the thinking and behavioural preferences of individuals in your team, as well as explore the most effective ways to engage and communicate in your organisation💛 💚 

😰 😀 Change can often be stressful for many people, so using tools and techniques to get your teams aligned, motivated and engaged gives you the best chance of succeeding as well as keeping your team happy.

💯 If you are leading change and struggling to bring your team with you or need some tools to help you execute more effectively please get in touch. 

👏 Thank you Kylie Seaman and David Sales for running today's Associates call and reminding us of the wide range of Emergenetics UK & Ireland resources we have available to support us with clients.

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